Q & A

– Frequently Asked Questions –

Q1. Can student take trial class?

Trial class is not suitable for subjects such as math and science, and is NOT offered at this academy.    

Q2. Will the students be eliminated from the program?

This academy reserves the rights to reject or to eliminate students who behave improperly in the classroom, and those who cannot commit in learning.    

Q3. Will the in-person classes be offered this fall?

Yes, in-person classes will be offered in the school year 2023/2024, including the JumpStart program in the summer.    

Q4. Is face mask still required in the classroom?

Starting from August 15, 2023, wearing mask is recommended but is not required at this facility.    

Q5. Will there be online classes?

In short, no.
Online math class is effective only for students who really want to learn, or, in some cases, for one-on-one tutoring. Unfortunately, many, if not majority of, students are not fully self-motivated, even in the MSJ area. During the online session, it is difficult to find out who is daydreaming, or is watching other videos, or is using other electronic devices.    

Q6. Can you offer one-on-one tutoring services?

Due to time constraints, no 1-on-1 tutoring service can be offered, neither online nor in-person.    

Q7. How will the Math Genie program operate in the school year 2023/2024?

The first week of Math Genie lectures will be started in the week of August 21.    

Q8. Will the office hours be provided?

Office hours will be offered and will be posted online.